
According to the Company’s articles of association, the Company shall have minimum one (1) and maximum two (2) auditors with maximum two (2) deputy auditors. The auditor(s), or deputy auditor(s) (as applicable), shall be an authorized public accountant or a registered public accounting firm. The current auditor of the Company is BDO Mälardalen AB (BDO) with address Box 6443, 102 35 Stockholm, Sweden. Carl-Johan Kjellman, an authorized auditor, and a member of FAR (professional institute for authorized public accountants, approved public accountants, and other highly qualified professionals in the accountancy sector in Sweden), is the auditor in charge. BDO has performed the audit of the annual reports. BDO was re-elected as auditor at the annual general meeting of shareholders ́ held on 2 May 2023.