The Annual General Meeting 2024 will be held on May 16, 2024
The shareholders in OXE Marine AB (publ) 556889-7226 (”Bolaget”), are convened to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders, to be held on May 16, 2024, at 13:00 at på Hotell Erikslund, Åstorpsvägen 15, 262 96 Ängelholm. Registration to the Annual General Meeting commences at 12.30.
OXE Marine AB (publ) gave notice to the annual general meeting.
The board of directors’ proposals
The board of directors’ complete proposal was set forth in the notice.
Länk till styrelsens förslag till beslut om emissionsbemyndigande (pdf)
Link to the authorisation for the board of directors to issue new shares etc (pdf)
The nomination committee’s proposals
At the annual general meeting 2023, it was resolved to adopt principles for the appointment of a nomination committee for the annual general meeting of 2024.In accordance with the adopted principles, the nomination committee consists of Martin Polo, (Chairman), Theodor Jeansson, Per Lindberg, and Christian von Koenigsegg.The nomination committee’s complete proposal was set forth in the notice.
Länk till Instruktion för valberedningen (pdf)
Link to Instruction to the Nomination Committee (pdf)
Shareholders who wish to be represented by a proxy need to submit a written and dated proxy form. A proxy form is available through the link below.
Länk till fullmaktsformulär (pdf)
Right to attend and notice
Those who wish to participate at the annual general meeting need to:
- be recorded as a shareholder in the share register prepared by Euroclear Sweden AB (“Euroclear”) relating to the circumstances on May 7. 2024; and
- notify their intention to attend the annual general meeting no later than May 10. 2024.
Notification to attend is to be made by e-mail to the Company’s e-mail address or by postal service to OXE Marine AB (publ) att. Paul Frick, Metallgatan 6, 262 72 Ängelholm. In its notification to attend, the shareholder is requested to provide the shareholder’s name, personal or corporate ID number, shareholding, address, daytime telephone number and, where applicable, the number of any assistants (up to two) which the shareholder intends to bring to the AGM.
The Annual General Meeting 2023 was held on May 2, 2023
The shareholders in OXE Marine AB (publ) 556889-7226 (”Bolaget”), were convened to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders, held on May 2, 2023 at 14:00 at på Hotell Erikslund, Åstorpsvägen 15, 262 96 Ängelholm. Registration to the Annual General Meeting commenced at 13.00.
OXE Marine AB (publ) gave notice to the annual general meeting.
Bolagsordning/Articles of association (pdf)
The board of directors’ proposals
Länk till styrelsens förslag jämte motiverat yttrande däröver (pdf)
Link to the Board of Director's proposals and statement in support of such proposals (pdf)
The nomination committee’s proposals
At the annual general meeting 2022, it was resolved to adopt principles for the appointment of a nomination committee for the annual general meeting of 2023.
In accordance with the adopted principles, the nomination committee consists of Jonas Wikström (Chairman), Martin Polo, (chairman), Per Lindberg, and Christian von Koenigsegg.
The nomination committee’s complete proposal was set forth in the notice.
Länk till Valberedningens förslag och motiverade yttrande (pdf)
Link to Nomination Committee proposal (pdf)
Shareholders who wished to be represented by a proxy needed to submit a written and dated proxy form. A proxy form is available through the link below.
Länk till fullmaktsformulär (pdf)
Right to attend and notice
Shareholders who wished to participate at the annual general meeting needed to:
- be recorded as a shareholder in the share register prepared by Euroclear Sweden AB (“Euroclear”) relating to the circumstances on April 21. 2023; and
- notify their intention to attend the annual general meeting no later than April 25. 2023.
Notification to attend was made by e-mail to the Company’s e-mail address or by postal service to OXE Marine AB (publ) att. Paul Frick, Metallgatan 6, 262 72 Ängelholm. In its notification to attend, the shareholder was requested to provide the shareholder’s name, personal or corporate ID number, shareholding, address, daytime telephone number and, where applicable, the number of any assistants (up to two) which the shareholder intends to bring to the AGM.
Press Releases Regarding the Annual General Meeting
Kommuniké från årsstämma i OXE Marine AB (Publ) den 2 Maj 2023
Report from the Annual General Meeting in OXE Marine Ab (publ) on 2 May 2023
The annual general meeting 2022 was held on Monday 2 May 2022
The board of directors resolved, in accordance with the act (2022:121) on temporary exceptions to facilitate the execution of general meetings in companies and other associations, that the annual general meeting was to be held without the physical presence of shareholders, proxies or any third parties, and that the shareholders’ voting rights were only able to be exercised in advance by so called postal voting.
Minutes of the annual general meeting
Bilaga 1 – Kallelse
Bilaga 2 – Poströstningsformulär
Bilaga 3 – Sammanställning av poströster
Bilaga 5 - Årsredovisning
Appendix 1 – Notice
Appendix 2 – Postal voting form
Appendix 3 – Compilation of postal votes
Appendix 5 – Annual report
OXE Marine AB (publ) gave notice to the annual general meeting.
Länk till kallelse (pdf)
Link to notice (pdf)
Bilaga 1 Bolagsordning (pdf)/Appendix 1 – Articles of association (pdf)
The board of directors’ proposals
The board of directors’ proposals are set out in the notice.
The nomination committee’s proposal
In accordance with the principles for appointment of a nomination committee adopted on the annual general meeting 2021, the nomination committee consisted of Martin Polo, Per Lindberg, Theodor Jeansson and Christian von Koenigsegg.
The nomination committee’s proposals for election of chairman of the general meeting (item 1), election of one or several persons to verify the minutes of the meeting (item 3), determination of remuneration to the board of directors and the auditor (item 8), election of board of directors (item 9) and resolution on principles for appointment of nomination committee (item 11) are set out in the notice.
The nomination committee’s proposal for election of auditor (item 10) is set out in the proposal below.
Shareholders who wished to be represented by a proxy needed to submit a written and dated proxy form. A proxy form is available through the link below.
Länk till fullmaktsformulär (pdf)
Link to the proxy form (pdf)
Right to attend and notice
Shareholders who wished to participate at the annual general meeting needed to have:
- been recorded as a shareholder in the share register prepared by Euroclear Sweden AB relating to the circumstances on 22 April 2022; and
- notified their intention to attend the annual general meeting by submitting their postal vote, whereby such postal vote was received by the company no later than 29 April 2022.
A special form was to be used for the postal voting, which is available on the link below. The postal vote constituted the shareholder’s notification of participation. Further instructions and conditions are set forth in the postal voting form.
Länk till poströstningsformulär (pdf)
Link to postal voting form (pdf)
Kommuniké från årsstämma i OXE Marine AB (Publ) den 2 Maj 2022
Report From the Annual General Meeting in Oxe Marine Ab (Publ) On 2 May 2022
The annual general meeting 2021 was held on Friday 16 April 2021
In order to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus, the board of directors resolved, in accordance with the act (2020:198) on temporary exceptions to facilitate the execution of general meetings in companies and other associations, that the annual general meeting was to be held without the physical presence of shareholders, proxies or any third parties, and that the shareholders’ voting rights were only able to be exercised in advance by so called postal voting.
Minutes of the annual general meeting
Bilaga 1 – Kallelse
Bilaga 2 – Poströstningsformulär
Bilaga 3 – Sammanställning av poströster
Bilaga 5 – Årsredovisning
Bilaga A – Villkor för teckningsoptioner
Appendix 1 – Notice
Appendix 2 – Postal voting form
Appendix 3 – Compilation of postal votes
Appendix 5 – Annual report
Appendix A – Terms for Warrants
OXE Marine AB (publ) gave notice to the annual general meeting.
Länk till kallelse (pdf)
Link to notice (pdf)
The board of directors’ proposals
The board of directors’ proposals are set forth in the notice, the terms and conditions referred to as Schedule A in the board of directors’ proposed long-term incentive program for senior executives may be found through the link below.
Länk till Bilaga A – Villkor för teckningsoptioner
Link to Appendix A – Terms for Warrants
The nomination committee’s proposals
The nomination committee consisted of Per Lindberg (chairman), Arne Andersson, Theodor Jeansson and Jonas Wikström, where Per Lindberg and Arne Andersson represented themselves, while Theodor Jeansson and Jonas Wikström represented shareholder TAMT AB.
The nomination committee’s complete proposals are set forth in the notice.
Annual Report
OXE Marine AB’s annual report.
Länk till Bilaga 5 – Årsredovisning
Link to Appendix 5 – Annual report
Shareholders who wished to be represented by a proxy must submit a written and dated proxy form. A proxy form is available through the link below.
Länk till fullmaktsformulär (pdf)
Link to the proxy form (pdf)
Preconditions for participation
Shareholders who wished to participate at the annual general meeting needed to have:
- been recorded in their own name (not nominee registered) in the share register prepared by Euroclear Sweden AB relating to the circumstances on Thursday 8 April 2021; and
- notified their intention to attend the annual general meeting by submitting their postal vote, whereby such postal vote was received by the company no later than Thursday 15 April 2021
A special form was to be used for the postal voting, which is available through the link below. The postal vote also constituted the shareholder’s notification of participation. Further instructions and conditions are set forth in the postal voting form.
Länk till poströstningsformulär (pdf)
Link to the postal vote form (pdf)
Press release regarding the Annual General Meeting
All press releases are avalible here
Annual Meeting 2020
The annual general meeting is to held on Tuesday 22 May 2020, at 1 pm, at Best Western Plus Hus 57, Östergatan 57 in Ängelholm.,
The nomination committee consists of Per Lindberg (chairman), Arne Andersson and Jonas Wikström, all representing themselves.
Please find enclosed the notice of the AGM and the various proposals:
OXE Marine - Pressmeddelande kallelse årsstämma 2020
OXE Marine - Press release notice to attend AGM 2020
OXE Marine - Årsstämma 2020 Fullmaktsformulär
OXE Marine - AGM 2020 Proxy form
OXE Marine - Årsstämma 2020 Röstningsinstruktion
OXE Marine - AGM 2020 Proxy form voting instructions
Annual Meeting 2019
The annual general meeting is to held on Tuesday 14 May 2019, at 2 pm, at Best Western Plus Hus 57, Östergatan 57 in Ängelholm.,
Please find enclosed the notice of the AGM and the various proposals:
Minutes kept at the annual general meeting in Cimco Marine AB (publ) on 14th May 2019
Report from annual general meeting in Cimco Marine AB (publ) on 14 May 2019
Kommuniké från årsstämma i Cimco Marine AB (publ) den 14 maj 2019
The nomination committee’s proposal on election of auditor (item 10)
Board of directors’ proposal to amend the articles of association (item 12)
Proposal for resolution on long term incentive program for employees and consultants (item 14)
Bilaga A - Villkor för teckningsoptioner 2019_2 (Sw)
Appendix A - Terms for warrants 2019_2 (Eng)
Fullmaktsformulär - Cimco Marine AB - AGM 2019
Proxy form - Cimco Marine AB - AGM 2019 (Eng)
Nomination committee
The nomination committee consists of Anders Berg in his capacity as chairman of the board and shareholders Per Lindberg, Tedde Jeansson and Jonas Wikström.
The committee will get back with its full proposals in due course.
Instructions for appointment of nomination committee
Annual Meeting 2018
The annual general meeting is to held on Thursday 19 April 2018, at 2 pm, at the Company’s premises at Metallgatan 19 A in Ängelholm.
Please find enclosed the notice of the AGM and the various proposals:
Cimco Marine AB – Notice to attend AGM 2018
Remuneration to the board and the auditor
Election of members and deputy members of the board
Resolution on principles for appointment of nomination committee
Nomination committee
The main task of the nomination committee is to propose candidates for election to the board of directors including the chairman of the board, and, where applicable, candidates for election of auditors.
In accordance with the instructions adopted at the annual general meeting 2017, the following persons are members of the nomination committee for the annual general meeting 2018:
Andreas Blomdahl
Chairman of the nomination committee, representing Marinediesel Sweden AB
Per Lindberg
Representing himself
Instructions for appointment of nomination committee