Seaside Restaurant
Aiding over a hundred households on throughout the Gothenburg archipelago
"It’s totally different from my previous experiences. The thrust and torque, and the amounts of fuel I save because of its low fuel consumption are some of the benefits I’ve already noticed. The driving experience is incredible, which is hard to believe because the OXE Diesel is a little heavier. But it’s compensated by the power of it. Another benefit is that I can gather heat from the engine to heat my cabin, which is very nice."
Torque and Fuel Savings
During the 50-hour service, we had a chat with David, owner of the Seaside restaurant on Björkö, Gothenburg archipelago in Sweden. He recently fitted an Alucat W18 with an OXE Diesel.
Who are you, and what do you do?
I am an “archipelago-entrepreneur”, who for sixteen years have been running a restaurant. About twelve years ago I got myself a RIB, as part of a new boat business, to be able to drive my guests to and from my restaurant. About nine years ago I built a bigger boat to accommodate more passengers with a double montage and space for 48 passengers, and after that the fleet kept growing.
For example, one of the routes I operate is between an island and the mainland. The island has about a hundred households, which makes for a lot of daily going back and forth. For those transports, I use an Alucat W18, now powered by an OXE300.
Why did you choose OXE Diesel?
I’ve kept my eyes on the OXE Diesel since the beginning, but the classic series (OXE150-200) wasn’t really on the table for me. When the OXE300 was released, I started looking into it for real. Coincidentally I ran into Per Wigren, OXE Marine’s head engineer on the pier at my restaurant, and when we got talking about fitting the Alucat with an OXE300 I saw that it could be the perfect fit for my daily operations.
Any differences?
What differences have you noticed from the gasoline outboards you used prior to refitting with an OXE Diesel?
It’s totally different from my previous experiences. The thrust and torque, and the amounts of fuel I save because of its low fuel consumption are some of the benefits I’ve already noticed. The driving experience is incredible, which is hard to believe because the OXE Diesel is a little heavier. But it’s compensated by its power. Another benefit is that I can gather heat from the engine to heat my cabin, which is very nice.
Would you recommend OXE Diesel to other demanding users?
I really do. Especially to users intending to use it commercially, around 400-500 hours a year or more. That’s when it truly shines.
The OXE300 provides significantly more torque and reduced emissions, fuel consumption and operational costs compared to gasoline-fueled outboards. OXE300 consumes up to 46% less fuel compared to a 300hp gasoline outboard. Carbon dioxide is reduced by more than 35% (when biofuels are used net Carbon dioxide is reduced by up to 94,2%), carbon monoxide by more than 99%, and combined hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides by more than 70%. This reduction significantly contributes to a reduced environmental impact. Reduced fuel consumption combined with reduced drag extends the operational range by 87%. The powerhead of the OXE300 is a marinized bi-turbo automotive configuration that provides its full 680Nm (502ft-lb) of torque at the crankshaft already at 1750rpm, at 1000rpm the engine provides over 500Nm (369ft-lb). At the propeller shaft, the torque numbers translate to 945Nm (696ft-lb). These are torque numbers that were previously unheard of in the outboard industry and provide the user with massive bollard pulling power, as well as fast hole shot acceleration.