Penn Cove Shellfish
OXE150: The ultimate work tool for shellfish-farming
"We saw an OXE Diesel outboard displayed at the Pacific Marine Expo and admired the belt drive and heat exchange cooling. We know that diesel engines have more torque and last longer than similar gas engines and the OXE brand had engines available in the horsepower range that we use, so it appeared to be a perfect fit for our needs".

The ultimate work tool
In Coupeville Washington, two hours from Seattle, Penn Cove Mussels, Inc. was established in 1975. It is the oldest commercial mussel farm in North America. The sustainable shellfish organization uses an OXE150 in its everyday operations.
The OXE150 is considered the ultimate work tool for many commercial users, especially users with high demand for reliability and long working hours.
"Reliability, power, ease of service..."
Penn Cove Shellfish express the needs and demands of a commercial outboard as including reliability, power, ease of service, efficient operational costs, and a reasonable service life under everyday commercial operating conditions.
Usually, their outboard engines are used on their farms from 500-700 hours a year, depending on the particular case and location where it is used.

Power and reliability
"On a typical day, our mussel harvest boat crew starts the crew skiff with the OXE150 and heads out to the mussel harvest barge, and moves us to one of the mussel rafts on our mussel farm. An hour later, they run the skiff back to the beach to pick up more crew members and then back out to the farm. They end up taking the skiff to the beach to pick up paperwork or other crew members another one to three times during the day and then run the boat back to the beach at the end of the day. Each trip is only about one-half mile.
We used the boat previously at our Quilcene farm where the run to and from the farm was about a mile and where skiff would haul in 4 totes of packed mussels with it, each tote about 800 pounds."